Residents Sound Off on Town Manager Search

Original Article –

By: Jennifer Galipeau

ARUNDEL – During a public meeting Monday, residents shared the qualities they would like to see in a new town manager.

Former town manager Todd Shea left to take over as general manager of the Kennebunk Light & Power District and Jack Turcotte is serving in an interim capacity.

Don Gerrish of Eaton Peabody, the firm assisting the town in the search for a new manager, asked residents what traits, experience and education do they wish to see in this manager.

“What type of person are you looking for?” he asked.

Resident Dan Roache said he would like to see someone with strong people skills that is able to work with all types of personalities.

“Arundel has lots of potential for growth, substantial growth. I would like to see someone that knows the town well,” he said.

For resident and Town Clerk Simone Boissonneault being a good coordinator is a must.

“I would like to see a good coordinator between committees and boards. Someone to organize everybody,” she said.

“I would like to see more people involved in committees and a strong sense of pride and community. Someone with a good financial background with regards to a potential new town hall,” said resident and search committee member Jack Reetz.

Gerrish stressed the importance of getting the best person that fits into Arundel’s community.

“You want to get the best person that fits into your community not necessarily the best education or the most experience,” he said.

Gerrish also indicated that he has received 24 applications to date and will have select applications to the search committee for their review on March 4. He will meet with the committee on March 12 in an executive session to discuss potential applicants.

In other Arundel news, resident Dana Peck approached the board for a request to form a panel to discuss his offer to donate a large parcel of land to the town. Peck requested that the property be discussed and a proposal be put in place to determine if it is even something that town would be interested in. Turcotte proposed a meeting with Peck as well as Town Planner Tad Redway and Park and Recreation Director Jenn Dumas to discuss the land donation and proposed recreational park for the town. The outcome of that meeting will determine whether or not a proposal to move forward will be brought to the board.