Wednesday, March 11, 2020
8:00-8:30 – Continental Breakfast & Networking
8:30-10:00 – Presentation/Q&A
Maine Lighthouse Museum
1 Park Drive, Rockland
With the Adult-Use marijuana market set to launch this spring, what ramifications does this hold for you as an employer or an employee? Gretchen Jones and Sarah Newell will discuss issues for consideration by Maine businesses as a result of the legalization of marijuana in Maine and the illegality of marijuana and marijuana businesses under federal law. They will share the current status of the law and guidance intended to assist professionals, businesses, and insurers in assessing and addressing the risks presented by the difference in state and federal laws.
The Chamber partnered with Eaton Peabody to cover this topic last year, but we are offering it again now, as this is a rapidly evolving topic.
Gretchen L. Jones
Shareholder & Chair, Business Law Practice Group
Gretchen Jones has extensive experience in representing businesses and financial institutions in transactional matters as well as before the Maine Legislature, members of Congress, federal financial regulators and state agencies. She also represents individuals and business entities in business succession and transition planning and estate planning and administration. Her expertise encompasses serving as general outside counsel; governance; regulatory compliance; finance; charter conversions; and mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations. She is a frequent speaker on a variety of legal issues including financial services regulatory matters and business planning. Representative groups include the Credit Union National Association; Maine Bankers Association; Maine Credit Unions’ Compliance Council; Chambers of Commerce and state Credit Union Leagues.
Sarah Newell represents employers in the private, nonprofit and public sectors and her practice is focused on employment and labor law. She assists clients with a broad range of issues including wage & hour, sexual harassment, FMLA, employee discipline and discharge, discrimination, whistleblower actions, collective bargaining, contract administration, labor arbitration, and other employment and labor issues. Sarah also investigates complaints of discrimination for employers, colleges, and universities on a regular basis.